All our sessions will be

  • Personalised

    This is 1-on-1 coaching. It is a service you have sought, so it is all about you. Every part of what happens is centred around the progress you wan to make.

  • Targeted

    A clear focus is essential. Once we have established what you want to achieve or overcome, the whole session and series will be targeted to just that.

  • Integrative

    I won’t just throw some meditations at you and say goodbye. This is about a lasting and meaningful change. I will ensure our work is given the best chance to stay with you forever.

How you’ll feel

More Focussed And More Clear


  • Find out where you are at.

  • Decide on the best series and session structure.

  • Unlimited guidance and communication throughout our time together.

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles.


What does immersive mean?

Immersive refers to the specific technique I am trained in. It is a form of guided meditation with the added benefit of some relaxation techniques that are specially designed to get you into your subconscious state.

Is it all meditation?

Meditation forms a core part of my session structure, but not all of it. We also have discussions, exercises, tools and journaling.

Do I have to journal?

Journaling is just the easy reference I make to solidifying your outcome. Whatever method you find best to record your outcomes is entirely up to you. This could be voice notes, drawing, typing or handwritten notes.

Where is best to start?

I have a specific course that most of my clients start with. It is the program of self-discovery. It will help you gain clarity and focus on the most important part of this, you. To read more, please visit XXX

I have read vegan and shaman, do i have to be that?

No, absolutely not. That is me, you are you. I like my clients and prospective clients to learn about me and those things are what make me, me. You can be whoever you need to be and you can go wherever you need to go.

Is it all 1-on-1 or is there also group sessions?

Almost all of what I do is 1-on-1. That is because I like to personalise the experience for the best outcome. However, there are times where I do group sessions and series. These might be prearranged events or if a client wants to come to me as a group with a central goal.